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Now that you have finished decluttering your clothes, it is time to organize them.

I segregate my clothes into three categories: Professional, Formal, and Casual.

Professional clothes are those that you wear for work. Hang them in your closet to minimize creases.

For the professional clothes in your closet, arrange them in this order (we'll refer to them as sub-categories): pants, short-sleeved shirts, long-sleeved shirts, and then your formal wear. Women have skirts and sleeveless clothes, following the same order but putting the skirts before the pants and sleeveless clothes before the short-sleeved clothes. To make your closet look more organized and less busy, you can arrange the sub-categories by shade, from light to dark or dark to light. It's totally up to you as long as it suits your preference.

The reason for this system is to save time & reduce stress when you dress up in the morning for work. Usually, we rush in the morning, and we need to lessen time-consuming activities such as choosing what to wear. If all you see in your closet are the clothes you need for work, there would be fewer to choose from, giving you some minutes back. You can use these minutes for something else, such as enjoying your coffee at home, so you no longer need to buy one.

If there is sufficient space, hang your formal clothing with your professional clothes, but keep them segregated. Otherwise, choose a box storage where you can place several garments on each other.

Casual clothes are the ones that you use when you go to the mall, do the grocery, play sports, and home clothes. These are kept folded in your dressers or cabinet shelves.

The sub-categories for these types of clothes would be sleeveless shirts, round-neck shirts, collared shirts, and shorts. For women, if you have sleeveless collared shirts, put them before the collared shirts. Again, you can arrange them by shade.

I follow Marie Kondo's method of folding clothes. It creates more space in your dresser. Aside from that, it also gives you a good view of what you already have. Another advantage of this folding method is that it doesn't disturb your other clothes when you pull them out of your dresser. This means that you do not need to refold or re-sort your clothes every time. You can apply this method too when you put clothes in your luggage to give you more space to bring things that matter to you when you travel. To learn more about this folding method, watch the video below.

Happy organizing!

Photo by Waldemar on Unsplash


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