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Happy to Help!

I have been drawn to reading and watching about near-death experiences these past few days. The stories from those who have experienced it are amazing! The experience changed their perspective on life. One of the “a-ha” moments resonated with me, and I wanted to share it with all of you.

Jane Thompson, a near-death experiencer, talked about purpose, and for us to know our purpose, she said, “all you need to do is try to get quiet enough to listen” When I heard that, I couldn’t agree more. I am guilty of not being still and being distracted by material things and how to accumulate them.

I started my decluttering journey in 2019, and I am happy I did that because it taught me many lessons and made me realize many things. Aside from those benefits, I created more space in my home and gained back time in my life. Time that I used to reflect and slowly discover my purpose. That is why I am here now; I want to share with you insights and tips with the end in mind that you, too, may gain back some time in your lives. A time that you can use towards the things that matter to you.

Everyone deserves to find what matters to them to be genuinely happy. We keep on looking for happiness in various places (and things). Happiness would be hard to find if our surroundings, calendars, and social lives were cluttered.

I am here to help you declutter.

Photo by Count Chris on Unsplash


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