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First Step

Today we will take our first step to decluttering. My principle is simple, tackle the item that troubles you the most.

To get a feel of the process with ease, let’s take a low-hanging fruit for a quick win. Clothes! This will give you instant gratification because after doing it, you will immediately feel good about the clothes you will wear and realize how much space you have created for yourself. Feeling and seeing the benefits will make you want to declutter more. Image by Freepik

To help you decide what to keep, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Is it still in good condition?

2. Is it comfortable to wear?

3. Does it make me feel good about myself when I wear it?

4. Does it still appeal to me?

5. Will I wear it? Or am I just keeping it because I will feel bad if I discard it?

These questions apply as well to the clothes that you wear at home. You have to feel good about yourself wherever you are.

At first, you will resent letting go because you might feel it is wasteful. That’s normal. Remember, you can donate clothes that are still in good condition. Doing so will make someone feel fortunate because their basic need will be addressed. I suggest you donate the clothes immediately so that your act of decluttering can immediately be a blessing to others.

For clothes in bad shape, you can either throw them away or use them as rags (so you don’t have to buy rags anymore). If you decide to reuse them as rags, ensure you only keep a reasonable amount. What we don’t want to happen is that you create space in one area and create clutter in another.

I took this first step, and I never looked back.


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