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About The Mindful Declutterer

People continuously look for happiness and their purpose in various places. And I am one of them. I’ve lived many years trying to figure myself out to attain happiness. Read many books…. I watched several videos… Listened to different speakers… Tried different activities… Ventured into businesses… Tried to climb the corporate ladder hurriedly… I bought material things… Hoping that all of it will help me achieve happiness.


In the spring of 2019, I found the solution to this long-standing question about happiness in the most unsophisticated way. During a casual afternoon conversation with my work colleagues, we talked about what we enjoy doing the most. I’ve told them that mine was simple, but it dramatically energizes me. When my colleague heard what activity energized me, she quickly told me that she would lend me a book she had read that would pique my interest. The next day, I got the book, which led me to write today. 


We were created into this world to enjoy everything it offers.  It is ours to possess, appreciate and experience. The world has been entrusted to us, and just like any other thing that has been lent to us, we should take care of it, and if we can, it would be great if we can reciprocate the generosity of the Being who lent it to us.  This is my way of reciprocating.


I’ve discovered my “sweet spot” and what I mean by this: I found where my passion, life experiences, talents, and personality intersect.  Now that I know my sweet spot, I will use it to “give back.”


Everyone deserves to find their “sweet spot” to be genuinely happy, and as I have mentioned previously, we keep looking for happiness in various places.  Happiness would be hard to find if our surroundings, calendars, and social life were clutter-filled.


I am here to help you declutter mindfully.

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